quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2014

ハッピーハート - Dreaming On

And then, here I am, working happy, dreaming happy, being happy...
What happened? I don't know... Maybe something really good...
I can only imagine my life in Paradise!

Oh yeah, I am still a Ninja Clown! hahahah
The Project wasn't canceled, just had a pause, because we need some issues to be solved first (Money, places and clothes), and then, we can finally com back to it!


Well... The last days I had something inside me... Almost a month thinking and trying to know how to write a letter for someone... special! Well, i did it... Instead of creating the most FUCKING AWESOME CREATIVE LETTER, I had a feeling inside, telling me to write with my heart and soul, by now. and, 2 days ago, I went to the Post Office, and, then... I sent the letter... Yesterday, I was worried about the letter... if it could be good or bad for her...And, I was all day long worried, and without any News about her... Man, I was feeling too much pain inside, with that fear killing me....

Then, at about 1 am, she wrote at facebook, for everyone to know, that, she was having the worst feelings that day, she arrived home, put the bag at the side, and, she was feeling so bad, that she was going to sleep in sadness, but, then, she saw tha yellow envelope, and, she opened, and then, that made her be better again... When I was Reading, I didn't notice that I started smiling... For some time, I wasn't smiling for nothing, not even for jokes or movies... And, then, i was there, Reading and smiling... I felt so happy because she was better with my letter, that I forgot to do the things I was trying to do that night!


Well, it's time to go... Work is waiting for me... Music for de score of a short movie now, then, writing critics for a movie, and at night, the Voz em Dó band will be playing, and I'll be there as a documentar diretor AND musical producer/manager! ^^

It's gonna be AWESOME!


See ya!

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