sexta-feira, 3 de julho de 2015

恋してる - When love finally gets into your heart

恋してる That's all, and that's why, and that's how, and that's it! Not always or everytime, that love get's into you, but, when it does... Ah... It's good, it's marvelous, it's pretty... Damn, finally I'm with someone who I always had dreamed of! And, it's REAL! I've painted in my wall, when I was a kid, a face, of the girl from my dreams. She never came up in my life, until now. And, she's better than I expected! She's so pretty, so beautiful, so good to me... And, I'm in love, feeling something new, something different, something that I never felt before! It's so strong, this feeling, that I can say I never was like this before! 私たちは永遠に一緒になります!

She made me the best I can be, to her, to myself, to the world!

Inspiration, to music, to write, to think, to be in love, everyday, a lot more!

I thought I wasn't able to find out someone so special, but, then, finally, she came into my life, and finally my eyes were opened! Now, i can smile, I can see the light, and feel the breeze of love!

Thank you for making me the best I can be!
Thank you for loving me!
Thank you for making me smile again!
Thank you for making me feel alive!
Thank you for giving me your best!
Thank you for being by my side!
Thank you for being true!




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